At the optimum nurse specialist led clinics for life we offer a range female only checks and services, smear tests, pessary insertion / prolapse management, weight management, post surgery reviews, health screening and non urgent gynae first referrals.
Optimum cervical screening
Accredited cervical screening service by qualified practitioners combined cytology (looking for precancerous cells changes) and HPV testing (Human papilloma virus which is thought to cause) cervical cancer in quality assured laboratory.
Optimum Menopause Health
A holistic approach to menopause management assessment and treatment of symptoms:
- Hot flushes
- Night sweats
- Agitation and sleeplessness
- Fatigue
- Loss of libido
- Vaginal dryness
- Urinary incontinence
- Vagina prolapse
- irregular vagina bleeding
- Hair and skin changes
- Memory loss
- Weight gain
- Loss of motivation?
The benefits of HRT largely outweigh the risks, other treatments are available and include:
- Non-hormonal remedies
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Psychosexual counselling
- Non-Surgical treatments
Optimum Lifestyle Choices
- Optimum weight
- Lifestyle reflection
- specific metabolic assessment
- Program for healthier living
- Reduce your risk of developing problems in later life for example diabetes, stroke, Heart disease and premature death
Optimum Surgery Outcomes
- Reduce your risks during and after surgery
- A pre-surgery program to aid optimum weight and fitness for less risk and best surgical outcome
- Your chance to be the best form of yourself post hysterectomy
Optimum Fertility
- Comprehensive gynaecological check including Vaginal examination, pelvic ultrasound and blood tests to determine ovulate function and ovarian reserve
- Treatment protocols to regulate menstrual cycles to improve ovulation
- Lifestyle reflection to ensure optimum weight and fitness pre pregnancy
- Preconception nutrition
- Ovulation induction
- Be the best either version or form of yourself in preparation for pregnancy and motherhood